Cycle FunAttic - Your Family Biking Store  Serving the bicycling community since 1998 in Phillipsburg, NJ.

Bicycling Tips & Do-it-Yourself Ideas

Bicycling Tips
Bicycling can be a year-round sport or hobby!

Keep your bike tuned up and road-worthy, and ride well into winter.  Here are a few tips from your friends and Cycle Funattic to get you started for any riding season.

Tip #1 – Dress comfortably…and sensibly.  You’ll warm up as you ride, so don’t “bundle up” or you’ll be too hot later.  Dress in layers of light clothing.  Wear gloves and appropriate headwear if it’s cold.  If you dress in layers during cooler mornings and evenings, have a cargo bag to store shed clothing in…don’t tie a windbreaker around your waist while riding, as it could get caught in your wheel.  Velcro or elastic shoes are better than laced shoes, especially for children, because you don’t want loose laces to catch in the chain.

Tip #2 – Bicycle Helmets.  Always a good idea, and the law for children riders.  Has your child grown over the summer, and is he or she ready for a new helmet?  Ready for a newer, more modern one yourself?  Today’s helmets are light weight and have superior air flow to keep your head cool while riding.  Having a helmet is important, but having the RIGHT helmet is even more important.  Stop in and we’ll make sure you have one that fits right.

Tip #3 – Bring a Light.  Sunset doesn’t have to end your day.  Bring a headlight and extra batteries.  If riding on a trail, pack a charged cell phone and flashlight.  For road riding, supplement your bike’s reflectors with a battery-powered tail light to increase drivers’ ability to see you, especially in dusk, dawn, or on cloudy days.  LED lights are affordable, take up minimal space, and run very efficiently on common battery types.

Tip #4 – The Sun and the Rain.  Sunscreen is a must even on a cloudy day or cool temperatures.  Wear sunglasses with lenses rated for durability and safety, especially off road.  (On a budget?  Hardware stores sell clear and tinted safety glasses that can be used for eye protection.)  Use lights when riding in the rain so motorists can see you.  Ride only according to your skill level.

Tip #5 – Ride Safe!  Carry a cell phone, identification, and any medical info.  Bring a tube-repair kit or spare tube, tire levers, and a multi tool, all of which can fit in a seat bag.  Be alert for fallen branches, patches of ice, changing weather, and traffic.  When sharing bike paths and trails with walkers, joggers, or other riders, pass them safely.  Watch out for children and animals.

Cycle Funattic is your family bicycle shop, and we’ll be glad to help you accessorize to get the most out of riding in all types of weather.  If you need a part, accessory, or even a special type of bicycle, let us know.  We can order a wide range of bikes and other items…just ask!

PS – There are no good excuses not to ride; you deserve this time for yourself … so go out and enjoy!

Good Riding … Russ

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By Appointment only at this time!
Please call 484-542-1393
1091 Delabole Junction Rd.
Pen Argyl, PA 18072

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Please call 484-542-1393

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